The purpose of the member initiative fund shall be to support active member initiatives. The member initiative fund shall be used for projects that benefit the university community, conference and competitions that benefit student body development, and other projects that aim to promote engineering identity and support the applied science undergraduate community.
Review Policies
Take time to completely understand and adhere to the information on this page.
Submit Application
Be detailed and diligent as you elaborate your request. Mind the application deadlines!
Council Decision
Grant decision will be communicated within the timeline set out on this page.
Reimbursements Payout
Remember to keep original receipts (itemized and debit slip) so you can get paid!
The aggregate maximum value of grants from the Member Initiative Fund must not exceed $500.00 per student in any Session of the academic calendar.
Grants from the Member Initiative Fund must not account for more than fifty (50) percent of the total budget of an initiative unless the total initiative cost is no greater than $250.00.
To be considered applicant must:
Fund must not be used for:
Project Summary
Provide a clear description of the project or activity. What does this project entail? What are the dates of the project duration? What is the desired end product? What is the personal motivation/initiative for the project? When attending a conference, what do you plan on achieving, learning, or taking away from the conference?
Student Impact
Aside from individual impact, how will this project benefit engineering students at the University? Will resources be brought back from this project? Will this enable leadership roles within the student community? What is your plan for using this opportunity to benefit the student community?
Community Influence
The Engineering Society is invested in maintaining the good reputation of engineering students in order to nurture opportunities for our student body. How will this project or initiative contribute to the reputation or influence of the University? Is this a competition or conference in which members work will be featured? How will this project reflect on our student community?
Supplemental Fundraising
Be clear in the amount of funds you are requesting. We strongly encourage you to fundraise independently and reach out to multiple sources, including the Professional Activities Fund, Tuum Est, and sponsorships. For funding from the Engineering Society, please break down your request for funds. Grants approved by the Engineering Society will be the maximum amount made available for your use, and any further amounts will not be reimbursed.
Applications will continue to be considered until the stated deadline for each funding round or until all allocated funding for the application round has been committed.
Following the successful award of a grant in support of your initiative, plan to submit receipts for approved expenses within thirty (30) days of your initiative completion date. Late submissions will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the applicant to properly record and produce supporting documentation and the Vice President Finance reserves the discretion to request supplemental documentation should further evidence be required for an expense.
2024/2025 funding rounds
2024/2025 funding rounds
Feel free to reach out by sending an email to with your question and mention ‘Member Initiative Fund’ in the subject line. Someone on the team will be in touch soon and work with you to get your inquiry addressed!
Empowering UBC engineers to excel academically, grow professionally, and thrive socially — united in building a stronger community and a brighter future.
UBC, Engineering Society
EME 1253, 1137 Alumni Ave
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7